Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lisette Top - Done & Done


I love my new blouse! I was so psyched after I finished it that I wore it to work within the week. The pattern/sizing is great and I owe my husband for the excellent fabric selection (I'm incredibly indecisive). He picked this one out of a selection of three I showed him - a good eye for pattern that one! I will probably make this shirt again. The dress from this same pattern is what I was working on when my machine quit ... I'm eager to see if it will turn out as great as this blouse!

Friday, September 23, 2011


It's foggy, muggy and pouring rain.

I've cut and prepared pattern pieces for a new tunic/dress. I'm psyched to sew. I sit down at the machine, get one line of stitching in when the machine breaks down. And by break down, I mean horrible clanking, motor churning, needle not moving break down. This is especially heart breaking because this machine was my mothers, purchased when I was born. This machine has made home decor for several homes, cabbage patch kids' clothing, prom dresses and was handed down to me with love. I should also mention that it's made of cast iron and weighs 100 pounds* not exactly something I can pack up and take across town for a check up.

So I'm now forced to start looking for a new machine. This kind of research can take time so I'm thinking I will get something small and simple to tide me over in the meantime (this dress NEEDS to be finished!!!). But if anyone has any suggestions for a serious, quality machine for sewing clothing - please let me know! I would love a springboard for my research.

I think I will now spend the rest of this dark and rainy day sorting through my new Vermont yarns. This year I'm in the mood to knit gifts so I purchased colors that I know my family will like. Time to go spend some time on Ravelry ... I need to get my mind off the sewing machine.

*may be an exaggeration but not by much ...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Catching Up

Work craziness has made posting and taking photos a challenge. Adam and I are wrapping up the end of a well needed vacation and I finally found some time to snap a few photos. I'll be playing catch up for a few days with all my new projects then I'll share some pics from the trip.

In the meantime, these fingerless mitts were finished ages ago. They were intended for my sister but I love them so much that I could not part with them, sorry Laura.
The pattern is from Veronik Avery's 'Knitting 24/7' (image below) and the yarn came from a summer sale at Brooklyn General. It's an alpaca, cashemere, silk blend from Cascade Yarns and it is SOFT! It was a dream to work with.

I imagine wearing these new mitts with a cape. 
Something like this one from Anthropologie -

Or maybe this one from Steven Alan-

I love fall clothes!