Saturday, March 24, 2012

What to Knit Next

Brooklyn Tweed's new Spring Thaw Lookbook is amazing! I can't get it out of my head. I keep going back to gaze at the patterns and figure out how I can work them all into my wardrobe (and knitting queue ...).

Although I'm still working on the last sleeve of my January sweater, I'm already thinking about the next project (What yarns are still in my stash? Do I feel like color work? Should I buy some new yarn?). My top three pattern contenders are Quill, Convoy and the Seasons Hat:

Quill, image from Brooklyn Tweed

Convoy, image from Brooklyn Tweed

Season's Hat, image from Brooklyn Tweed

I'm leaning towards Quill as my office is freezing and the shawl looks so cozy. It also looks like a project that would be easy to take on the train. Now I need to find time to dig through the stash. There's got to be some fingering weight yarn in there somewhere. If not, I guess I will HAVE to buy some new yarn. Muhahaha!  For now it's back to that stupid last sleeve.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Baby Blanket

My sister-in-law Jenny is expecting her first baby at the end of the month and we've finished this baby blanket just in time. My husband and other sister-in-law all knit squares to make this a joint family effort. The yarn is from knit picks and it washed up so soft! I will admit that Adam and I have cuddled up against this blanket in the last week having it on the couch.
 Jenny and her husband don't want to know the sex of the baby so we chose colors that were more fun than gender specific. Now I've got to get it wrapped up and to the post office. Her due date is the 30th!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where You Been?

It appears my last post was over a month ago. Yikes! There's been a lot of change recently which has kept me away. I started a new job at the end of January which has been incredibly exciting but also means I haven't had a lot of time for projects, most notably my January sweater. I'm still on sleeve #1 and (fingers crossed) will finish it before the weekend is over.

The other half of my focus has been on our apartment. I decided that this is the year that we get our apartment in order. No more college furniture. This new passion for furniture and interiors is totally the fault of pinterest. I'm on there (momillco) should you like to follow me. 

So the first room to get a makeover is our living room & foyer. With my sister-in-law's help, we outlined a shopping list and went to Ikea. Here's what we got:

New bookcases to replace our old, beaten down set. We bought two of these bad boys which helps cut our room so the husband can have some 'man space'.

And since we like to play games when people come over we also got the table attachment. This piece is getting a ton of use and helps cut down the number of times we eat at the coffee table, ha ha.

To hide all of the stuff in those little cubbies, we bought a TON of white boxes. I think these are my favorite. I will probably go back to get more ...

And then to cut all that white, we bought some green. I'm so happy Ikea has plants that are okay for low light rooms. I love having plants. We bought three of these guys although I really wanted to also get a tree, like a ficus. I didn't win the tree battle.

There's still so much to take care of - we need some window treatments, a coffee table and a rug for the foyer. I also need to get busy getting rid of some excess furniture. If you're in the BK area and want a killer, solid wood, corner desk. Let me know! More regular posts and, hopefully, more project to share moving forward.